Traffic and transportation systems are one of the toughest challenges cities such as Mumbai and Bogota face today. They are having a huge impact on the daily mobility despite a plethora of public transportation options and anti-traffic rules, which is why existing road traffic networks are close to breakdown.
- Regular functioning of Traffic Lights by making them dependant on solar power
- Expand the public transportation services, such as subways and rails, which are currently far insufficient to meet the demand. Public transportation facilities should be comfortable and convenient to become the first choice when people plan to go out.
- Stricter tax laws after ownership of a second car
- Improving Urban city planning by increasing he number of highways and expanding the roads
- Establishing new bus rapid transit lines and bus special lanes. Putting in use “new energy” buses, e.g., CNG (com- pressed natural gas) and electric buses
- Constructing bicycle rental spots, incorporating bicycle lanes in turn promoting use of bicycle - Limiting new car licenses
- Paid parking on streets increase in parking fee in the busiest central areas and hours
- Construct tolls around the city center
- Improve micro-circulation of existing street networks Incentive to car pooling